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2018-04-29 03:00

LETTER OF DEMANDS: Beijing has warned two US air carriers against referring to Taiwan as a nation, saying it would refer them to authorities if they did not complyBy Sherry Hsiao / Staff writer, with CNAThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs has strongly condemned the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ “overbearing use of political power” to coarsely interfere with the behavior of private businesses and the operations of international corporations, ministry spokesperson Andrew Lee (李憲章) said in Taipei yesterday.The statement came in response to a report that China warned US airlines against referring to Taiwan as an independent nation.“The Civil Aviation Administration of China has sent a letter to United Airlines and American Airlines demanding that their global operations follow China’s restrictions against ‘separatism,’ meaning that any references to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as countries independent from China must be removed,” Washington-based Foreign Policy magazine reported on Friday. “The strongly worded letter demands that all public-facing content, across the world, must follow ‘Chinese law.’”“It gives the airlines a set timeline to comply with the demands, threatening that if not obeyed, the matter will be referred to ‘the relevant cybersecurity authorities’ for punishment,” it added, citing a source with access to the letter.Lee said the ministry is greatly concerned about the matter and has asked its offices in the US to verify the matter with the airlines.It has also asked the offices to reiterate the government’s position, ask the airlines to handle the situation appropriately and urge them not to degrade Taiwan or damage the Republic of China’s (ROC) sovereignty and dignity due to Beijing’s threat, Lee said.The ROC is an independent and sovereign nation, Lee added.Taiwan’s achievements, including the development of democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law, have received recognition from the international community, Lee said.No matter what measures Beijing takes, threatening foreign businesses to submit to its false claims would not only fail to change the objective fact, but also increase Taiwanese’s aversion toward the Chinese government, he said.Separately yesterday, the ministry said that Jordan has asked Taiwan to change the name of its representative office in its capital, Amman, citing pressure from China.As a result, the name of the office would soon be changed from the “Commercial Office of the Republic of China (Taiwan)” to the “Taipei Economic and Cultural Office,” Lee said.While the name change is a blow to Taiwan’s international image, the office would continue to function as usual and promote bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the areas of culture, academia and trade, he said.The request by Jordan was not surprising, as Beijing had been pressuring Jordan on the issue since last year, Lee said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES



今日操演時間約兩小時,陸地項目包含港口防空、反特攻作戰演練與機彈車組火力打擊等;海上項目包含緊急出港、響導穿越、輕快兵力發射至海飛彈飽和攻擊、主戰艦發射至海飛彈飽和攻擊、潛艦發射魚叉飛彈攻擊等。同時在海上操演期間,空軍也以兩梯次,共八架 F-16 戰機以魚叉飛彈攻擊實施海空連作戰


海軍出動二艘基隆級驅逐艦、一艘康定級巡防艦、二艘成功級巡防艦、二艘濟陽級巡防艦,一艘沱江級巡邏艦、三艘錦江級巡邏艦、六艘光華六號飛彈快艇,以及一艘海龍號潛艦、一架 S-70C 反潛直升機;空軍則出動 8 架 F-16 戰機;陸軍派出「雲豹」裝甲車,協助軍港防衛作戰,實施三軍聯合操演。

雲林科技大學在斗六市雲中街文創聚落拓點成立「雲科大職人學院」,今天揭牌啟用,將由學生擔任老師教授課程,並展售自己的作品。記者陳雅玲/攝影 分享 facebook 雲林科技大學二年前成立前瞻學士學位學程,網羅來自各專業技能領域的優秀技優技保生,為讓學生將專業技能應用在實務場域,校方今天在斗六市雲中街文創聚落拓點成立「雲科大職人學院」,將學習打破校園藩籬,融入在地生活。雲科大未來學院長林崇熙表示,前瞻學士學位學程的學生從高職開始,接受嚴峻的選手訓練,已是卓越的工匠,為讓學生不止步於「匠」,透過到雲中街的職人學院試驗傳授,實踐「由匠到師」的理想,也讓學生的學習能夠接地氣。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 職人學院實習店長許力心表示,學院將不定期開課,由學生擔任老師教授課程,並展售自己的作品,透過行銷推軌,在畢業前即掌握社會脈動與市場動向。職人學院作為學生展示作品、傳授技能、交流經驗、練習解決實務問題、聆聽職人分享的空間,雲科大校長楊能舒表示,期許學生與社會大眾及專業匠師有更近距離的接觸。學院第一期課程將配合斗六市「花園城市」主題及兒童節、復活節等節慶,規畫一系列手作課程,每門課程均限額參加,有興趣者可上「雲科大職人學院@雲中街」FB粉絲團了解相關資訊及報名。斗六市長謝淑亞表示,將來建構花園城市的過程中,將借重雲科大「職人」的專業,透過手作的文創產品,讓斗六的美好傳遞到每個民眾心中。雲林科技大學在斗六市雲中街文創聚落拓點成立「雲科大職人學院」,今天揭牌啟用,將由學生擔任老師教授課程,並展售自己的作品。記者陳雅玲/攝影 分享 facebook 雲林科技大學在斗六市雲中街文創聚落拓點成立「雲科大職人學院」,今天揭牌啟用,將由學生擔任老師教授課程,並展售自己的作品。記者陳雅玲/攝影 分享 facebook


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